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Case Study - Baillie Park


Baillie Park 3Dreadnought Red Blue Smoothfaced plain tiles, eaves and gables.  Bonnet hips, valleys and half round ridges.

Roofing Contractor
Chris Milton ,KLK Roofing

Architect and Developer
Quantum Homes



Baillie Park 1This prestigious Arts and Crafts housing development by Quantum Homes comprises 20 units and garages, in the sought after area of Branksome Park.  The original site housed just 2 properties,  and given the considerably higher density housing that Quantum proposed, the local planning department, Poole Borough Council were insistent that the building materials reflect the attractive traditional character of Forest Road and blend in with the strong Arts and Crafts environment of Branksome Park. 






Baillie Park 2 Gary Worsfold, lead architect at Quantum homes explains that “architectural detail is important. A building is appreciated and understood through a coherent combination of detail and structure. Current DETR guidance is trying to promote the idea of ‘where we live, affects how we live’ and that ‘good design offers the prospect of a higher quality of life and opportunity for all’.  Detail is literally the building block of good architecture.” 

Quantum set out to make every property within Baillie Park different and to construct  them with traditional materials using traditional construction techniques  They were striving for a quality with this project that does not feature in most developments as Gary explained "the design criterion is always a balancing act. One compromise can drastically alter a project."

Chris Milton, the roofing contractor, encountered no problems with laying the Dreadnought roofing materials.  The carpentry ground work was of a very high order creating accurate pitches.  He was able to use standard bonnet hips and valleys throughout despite there being a sprocket on the lower eaves courses.  He was also able to obtain a neat finish at the abutments against the dutch gables and velux windows.  Only in one small valley on the rear of one unit where roofs intersected at other than 90° did he create a mitred and lead soakered joint.


Baillie Park 4

Quantum homes have succeeded in creating a real feeling of space within this development even though they have built 20 units and garages wthin 2 original sites.  The properties have steep pitched roofs and dormer windows and some have 2 storeys within the roof space to create more space inside. The Dutch gable forms the main feature at the front of the development and allows for maximum space inside within the roof while also adding architectural interest.

Only plain clay tiles could provide the versatility to accommodate the details and roofing features which make Baillie Park so attractive and unusual.




Baillie Park

Each building has accentuated vertical and horizontal architectural elements with sweeping roofs, asymmetrical composition & bay windows etc. to create an architectural narrative which has interest and vitality.  Quantum Homes use of traditional materials has run right through to the hard and soft landscaping, creating a beautiful environment in which to live.  The Local Planning office, Poole Borough Council stated that “this development enhances the character of Branksome Park adding to the rich architectural language of that area.”

Dreadnought Tiles is a company with an impeccable pedigree and it was a pleasure to see them continuing to thrive and innovate. Black Country craftmanship and quality at its best.” Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands

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