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Brown antique

Brown antique smoothfaced clay roof tilesBrown Antique Sandfaced plain clay roof tiles

A traditional natural mixture of rich red, brown and blue multi-coloured tiles that adds character to any building.  These varied colours are produced by skilled control of the burning process and cannot be reproduced by artificial means.

Available in Smoothfaced/Sandfaced

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Case Studies

Redevelopment of St James Church

Brown Antique Plain Clay Roof Tiles

Brown Antique clay tiles at St James ChurchBrown Antique tiles at St James Church

The redevelopment of a derelict Gothic Grade II starred listed church building into twelve luxury apartments.

The challenge was to retain and restore the original features of the church and provide a series of modern spaces in a contemporary style to complement the original elements.

The original roofing specification was to strip and reuse as many tiles as possible and make up with second hand.  The impossibility of finding matching second hand ornamental tiles and fittings in such quantities was evident to Lewis Roofing who requested Dreadnought to offer new tile alternatives.  Full Details

Cropthorne autonomous house - one of the most energy efficient homes in the UK

Brown Antique Plain Clay Roof Tiles

Brown Antique tiles at Cropthorne zero carbon housebrown antique tiles were chosen for the Cropthorne zero carbon house

Mike Coe, a self builder from Worcestershire, set out to build himself one of the most energy efficient buildings in the UK.

Mike wanted to build a house that would be beautiful as well as ultra energy efficient and the roof, being the most prominent feature of the house from the road, was to play a major part of the aesthetics.  He therefore decided that a clay roof would best satisfy his objectives and he found that Dreadnought provided the widest range of natural colours to choose from.

While he had considered the benefits of using reclaimed tiles in onrder to minimise the embodied energy of the building,  he found that as the amount of embodied energy needs to be offset against the lifetime of the product, new Dreadnought tiles that could last over 100 years would provide the greenest solution.  Full Details


Brown Antique Plain Clay Roof Tiles

Abbey Vale 3Abbey Vale 4

Dreadnought Brown Antique Sandfaced Plain Clay Tiles were used to bring quality, colour, variety and interest to the roof tops of these luxury homes.  Full Details

RSPCA Educational Building

Highly Commended - Best New Build Clay Roof - Commercial

Brown Antique Plain Clay Roof Tiles

RSPCA Education building 4RSPCA Education building

Designing curved roofs requires a product where roofers are not required to hand select tiles as this would add considerable time to the roofing process.  Dreadnought tiles were selected for their consistent quality control and dimensional stability not present in handmade tiles.  This consistency ensured the same degree of curvature to both ends of the building.  Full Details

Technical Info

Dreadnought Tiles conform to BS EN 1304:2013 and should be fixed in accordance with BS 5534 "Slating and Tiling" part 1 & 2 and BS 8000 Part 6.
Frozen-Icon2 webFreeze Thaw Standards require plain clay tiles for use in the U.K. to withstand at least 150 freeze / thaw cycles under method E of European Standard EN 539-2:2013.   At Dreadnought Tiles we regard this as too low for our climate and we therefore test our tiles to withstand in excess of 400 cycles. 

Download Freeze Thaw Testing Report 

Download this info as a pdf 

Download Specification sheet as a word doc 

  Tiles Eaves Gable
Size 265x 165 mm 215x 165 mm 265 x 248 mm
Weight 1.19 kg 0.95 kg 1.8 kg
Pattern Traditional Single Camber    
Material Etruria Marl Etruria Marl Etruria Marl


  Pitched Roofs Vertical
Minimum Lap 65 mm 32 mm
Maximum Gauge 100 mm 115 mm
Minimum Gauge 88mm 88mm
Approx Weight at
Maximum Gauge
71 kg/m2 63 kg/m2
Nails 38 x 2.65 mm alloy 38 x 2.65 mm alloy
Battens 38 x 25 mm 38 x 25 mm
Minimum Pitch 35 degree  

Quantity Guide

Tiles @ 100mm Gauge 60m2
115mm Gauge 53m2
Eaves/Tops 6/lineal metre
Gable (Tile and Half) 5/lineal metre of verge
Hips and Valleys 10/lineal metre of main rafter
Ridges Supplied in 300 mm and 450 mm lengths

Relevant Fixing Standards

BS 5534 2014 Code of Practice for Slating and Tiling
BS 8000-6.2013 Workmanship on Building Sites
BS EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1 -Actions on Structures - Part 1-4: General actions - wind actions

Environmental Info

Place of Manufacture: Brierley Hill, UK
Environmental Management:       ISO 14001        Download Certificate 
Quality Management:                    ISO   9001       Download Certificate  
Life Cycle: BRE 'A+' rating
Freeze Thaw Testing to in excess of 400 cycles  Download Freeze Thaw Test Certificate >>
Energy: Fired in gas kilns to 1130 degrees
Raw materials: Etruria Marl Clay from our local quarry in Brierley Hill, sand
Lifespan: > 60 years. Second hand tiles that have been on roofs in excess of 100 years often sell for more than new tiles on the 2nd hand market
Recyclability: Can be crushed and used as aggregate and/or as an inert bulk fill
Packaging: We keep packaging to a minimum using wooden pallets. We do not shrink wrap or use plastic straps.

Find out more about Dreadnought Tiles approach to sustainability

Download our Quality and Environmental Policy

Download our Sustainbility Statement

Roof Components

Ornamental tiles

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Ornamental Ridges

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Ornamental Finials

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Dreadnought BIM Objects

We have one Revit model file (.rvt) that contains all the available Dreadnought Roof Tile Revit Family types in Revit 2016 format.  

Please complete the following details to access the Dreadnought Tile Revit File.

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Machine-Made Sample Request Form

Please complete this form to let us know which samples you would like.  Due to the high courier cost in sending them out, we cannot supply them free of charge in all cases.

Choose Samples
Please complete details of your project in the space below, together with quantities and timescales if possible. We may need to contact you prior to sending samples out to confirm your requirements, so please provide your day time contact details with your sample request. Please also note there is a substantial courier cost to send out samples and we cannot supply samples free of charge in all cases.
  *Indicates a field you must enter.



Key Stockists

We work with a small number of key stockists.  The following roofing merchants carry stock of our Brown Antique tiles


Lagan Building Solutions
Newcastle Road
CW2 5NG   https://www.lbsproducts.com/clay-roof-tiles/plain-clay-tiles/dreadnought-tiles   
0800 096 7612

Lagan also carry stock of our Staffordshire Blue Smooth,  Brown Heather Sandfaced and Country Brown Sandfaced tiles as well as some commercial tiles


Capital Roofing Centre
Unit 1 Salem Street
ST1 5PR   https://capitalroofingcentre.co.uk/    01782 287515

Capital Roofing also carry stock of our Staffordshire Blue Smooth and Sandfaced, Dark Heather and Blue Brindle tiles

West Midlands

Chandlers Building Supplies
91 Mucklow Hill
B62 8DR    0121 314 1333

Chanders also carry stock of our Staffordshire Blue Smooth tiles


Willis Westcott
The Millside
Gregory`s Mill Street
WR3 8BA    01905 611701

Willis Westcott also carry stock of our Red Blue Smooth, Brown Brindle, Country Brown and Brown Heather tiles