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CAD drawings - Roofing details

A selection of CAD files are available for download here.    Select and download the ones you require.

Tileline tilevent 

  .dwg file .jpg file

Cottage eaves with over-fascia ventilation

.dxf file .dwg file .jpg file

Eaves with soffit ventilation

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Open eaves with ventilating rafter tray

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Eaves with over fascia ventilation

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Bedded verge

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Cloaked Verge

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Half round dry fixed ridge

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Half round bedded ridge

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file


Bedded monopitch ridge

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Hip with bonnet hip tiles

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Hip with arris hip tiles

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Hip with metal soaker and hip with bedded ridge tiles

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Valley with valley tiles

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Valley with metal soakers

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Valley with metal lining

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Valley with pre-formed GRP valley

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Pipe Flashing

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Roof window flashings

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Top edge abutment

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Ventilated top edge abutment

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Side abutment with metal soakers

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Change of pitch

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Mansard with mansard tiles

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Mansard with metal flashing

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Box gutter eaves

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Bonding gutter with metal lining

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Safety hook features

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Metal saddle to ridge junction

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Roof structure with insulation at ceiling with impermeable underlay

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Roof structure with insulation at ceiling with vapour permeable underlay

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Roof with insulation at rafter with impermeable underlay

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Roof with insulation at rafter with vapour permeable underlay

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

CAD drawings for vertical tiling

Enlarged view of cutting to internal corner

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

External angle with angle tiles and metal soakers

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Internal angle with angle tiles and metal soakers

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Setting out for vertical tiling to gable ends

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling eaves

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling junction with monopitch roof version 1

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling junction with roof verge - Winchester cutting 1

.dxf file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling junction with roof verge - Winchester cutting 2

  dwg file .jpg file

Vertical tiling junction with roof verge - Sussex cutting

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling junction with timber frame side

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling junction with verge

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling soldier and double soldier course

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling to dormer side

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling to eaves with open rafter

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling to eaves with soffit

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling to frame with pointed verges

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling to inset frame version 1

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling to tiled window sill

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling to timber window sill version 1

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling to timber window sill version 2

.dxf  file

.dwg file

.jpg file

Vertical tiling to window head version 1

.dxf  file

.dwg file


Vertical tiling to window head version 2

.dxf  file

.dwg file


Vertical tiling

.dxf  file

.dwg file


If you have any problems downloading drawings or the file you require is not here please contact alex@dreadnought-tiles.co.uk to see whether the drawing you need can be made available.


Case Studies

Dreadnought Tiles is a company with an impeccable pedigree and it was a pleasure to see them continuing to thrive and innovate. Black Country craftmanship and quality at its best.” Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands

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