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Classic dark heather

Classic Dark Heather Handmade clay roof tilesThese handmade clay roof tiles are a predominantly blue colour, similar to the Staffordshire blue , but with subtle shades of lighter blue and purples hues.  They are naturally coloured without the use of surface stains or coloured sands as Dreadnought passionately believes in the superior aethetic of true burnt clay colours to produce a roof with an old world charm.

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Case Studies

A luxury self build home using Classic Dark Heather handmade tiles

Dark heather case studyDark heather case study 2

The roof is the dominant feature of this luxury Arts and Crafts self build home and the owners knew that they wanted to use a dark handmade tile.  They wanted to use high quality materials and had looked at a wide range of tile options but had found that most of the dark tiles on the market have been “sprayed or painted” artificially.  “Having such a dominant roof, we were keen that it should not look in anyway contrived, and we wanted to use a tile with genuine clay colour, that would have some variant of colour and texture on its surface” explains self-builder Brian Murray.   Full details

Technical Info

Dreadnought Tiles conform to BS EN 1304:2013 and should be fixed in accordance with BS5534 "Slating and Tiling" part 1 & 2 and BS8000 Part 6.
Frozen-Icon2 webFreeze Thaw Standards require plain clay tiles for use in the U.K. to withstand at least 150 freeze / thaw cycles under method E of European Standard EN 539-2:2013.   At Dreadnought Tiles we regard this as too low for our climate and we therefore test our tiles to withstand in excess of 400 cycles. 

Download Freeze Thaw Testing Report 

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Download Specification Word Doc 

  Tiles Eaves Gable
Size 265 x 165 mm 215 x 165 mm 265 x 248 mm
Weight 1.5 kg 1.2 kg 2.3 kg
Pattern Handmade    
Material Etruria Marl Etruria Marl Etruria Marl


  Pitched Roofs Vertical
Minimum Lap 65 mm 32 mm
Maximum Gauge 100 mm 115 mm
Minimum Gauge 88mm 88mm
Approx Weight at
Maximum Gauge
90 kg/m2 79.5 kg/m2
Nails 38 x 2.65 mm alloy 38 x 2.65 mm alloy
Battens 38 x 25 mm 38 x 25 mm
Minimum Pitch 35 degree  

Quantity Guide

Tiles @ 100mm Gauge 60 per m2
115mm Gauge 53 per m2
Eaves/Tops 6/lineal metre
Gable (Tile and Half) 5/lineal metre of verge
Hips and Valleys 10/lineal metre of main rafter
Ridges Supplied in 300 mm and 450 mm lengths

Relevant Fixing Standards

BS 5534 2014 Code of Practice for Slating and Tiling
BS 8000-6.2013 Workmanship on Building Sites
BS EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1 -Actions on Structures - Part 1-4: General actions - wind actions

Environmental Info

Place of Manufacture: Brierley Hill, UK
Environmental Management:       ISO 14001        Download Certificate 
Quality Management:                    ISO   9001       Download Certificate  
Life Cycle: BRE 'A+' rating
Freeze Thaw Testing to in excess of 400 cycles  Download Freeze Thaw Test Certificate >>
Energy: Fired in gas kilns to 1130 degrees
Raw materials: Etruria Marl Clay from our local quarry in Brierley Hill, sand
Lifespan: > 60 years. Second hand tiles that have been on roofs in excess of 100 years often sell for more than new tiles on the 2nd hand market
Recyclability: Can be crushed and used as aggregate and/or as an inert bulk fill
Packaging: We keep packaging to a minimum using wooden pallets. We do not shrink wrap or use plastic straps.

Find out more about Dreadnought Tiles approach to sustainability

Download our Quality and Environmental Policy

Download our Sustainbility Statement

Roof Components


Dreadnought BIM Objects

We have one Revit model file (.rvt) that contains all the available Dreadnought Roof Tile Revit Family types in Revit 2016 format.  

Please complete the following details to access the Dreadnought Tile Revit File.

Request Sample

Classic Handmade Sample Request Form

Please complete this form to let us know which samples you would like.  Due to the high courier cost in sending them out, we cannot supply them free of charge in all cases.

Important: The natural colour of our clay tiles means that no 2 tiles are exactly the same and this is what gives a Dreadnought roof its beauty and character.  Within a single Dreadnought colour, there can be a number of different tones and we will  include more than one tile sample to show you the range of tones you can expect. 

Choose Samples
Please complete details of your project in the space below, together with quantities and timescales if possible. We may need to contact you prior to sending samples out to confirm your requirements, so please provide your day time contact details with your sample request. Please also note there is a substantial courier cost to send out samples and we cannot supply samples free of charge in all cases.
  *Indicates a field you must enter.